At first sight, our products might look the same as any other on the market.  But explore the detail and you’ll find the key difference: ours save lives.

Unlike products that just claim to be the best, at Safehinge Primera, we let our performance do the talking – with crucial safety features you won’t find anywhere else.  Each award-winning product is the result of meticulous design, rigorous testing and feedback from you at every stage.

That’s why the lifesaving differences are in the detail. 

And we set the bar high for ourselves – ensuring our products deliver a step change in safety, robustness and practicality.  By exhaustively seeking your input and understanding the full spectrum of challenges, we develop thorough design insights and product requirements. 

The result?  You can be confident we've thought about the real world use of our product, so you don't have to.


"A revolutionary, lifesaving [en-suite]"
DIMHN 2017 awarding judges

"It seems clear that your design and testing has considered all aspects of safe care and support, and management of risks to aid recovery"
Head of Adult Mental Health Crisis Services & Lead Nurse for Adult Mental Health
Western Health & Social Care Trust

“Your product development process is impressively thorough, from the initial prototypes through to the final concept prototype”
Healthcare Manager, NHS Tayside

“An innovative and well designed product which will undoubtedlyimprove service user safety through its application”
DIMHN 2018 awarding judges


Don’t take our products are face value – explore the detail for yourself.  And if you’ve got a question or feedback, then let us know.  Our products save lives and we’re committed to constant improvement.