Our anti-barricade stop is designed to ensure you can gain access to a room in just 2 seconds, with the stop collapsing safely into the frame so it can't be weaponised.
Anti-barricade doors are designed to open inwards only during day-to-day use. Outward opening swing must only be used for emergency access, and the anti-barricade stop must be reset immediately after the incident and prior to the room being given back for general use.
As with all anti-barricade door systems, unrestricted opening of a door beyond the maximum 90 degrees opening angle in the outward direction will cause damage to the door.
The collapsible anti-baricade stop is integrated into the frame. Once released, the door can open outward.
NB: Always stand to the side of the door when releasing the stop.
Once activated, the collapsible anti-barricade stop needs reset for day-to-day use.
UK - Glasgow
44 Speirs Wharf
G4 9TH
t: +44 330 058 0988
e: info@safehingeprimera.com
UK - Blackpool
Unit 8 Bankfield House
250 Bristol Avenue
t: +44 330 058 0988
e: sales@safehingeprimera.com
USA - Boston MA
177 Huntington Ave
17th Floor
MA. 02115
t: +1 347. 506. 2114
e: inquiries@safehingeprimera.com
AU - Hipac Head Office
36 Long Street
New South Wales
Australia 2580
UK - Glasgow
44 Speirs Wharf
G4 9TH
t: +44 330 058 0988
e: info@safehingeprimera.com
UK - Blackpool
Unit 8 Bankfield House
250 Bristol Avenue
t: +44 330 058 0988
e: sales@safehingeprimera.com
USA - Boston MA
177 Huntington Ave
17th Floor
MA. 02115
t: +1 347. 378. 0174
e: inquiries@safehingeprimera.com
© Safehinge Primera 2023. Design By Submarine. Development By Crocodiles