Our Mechanical 5-way SOS (Staff Override System) lockset provides five override methods to ensure staff can gain access in an emergency - even in the most determined barricade situations. 

Operating the 5-way SOS lockset

A step-by-step guide to overcoming barricades using our anti-barricade doorset with 5-way SOS mechanical lockset



For day-to-day use, the euro key should be used to unlock the door then push it open.

Overcoming simple barricades in 5 seconds

When access to a room is blocked, you can gain emergency access in these 3 steps:

  1. Use the euro key to unlock the door. The key always overrides the internal lock.
  2. Release the anti-barricade stop using the Lifeline key
  3. Pull the door open


Overcoming determined barricades in 60 seconds

Follow these 6 steps to gain emergency access for more determined barricades where the keyway is blocked or the door is wedged:

  1. Ask a member of staff to collect the Emergency Toolkit from the nearest nurses station
  2. Use the screwdriver to remove the screw on the cover plate
  3. Slide the cover plate to reveal the back-up spindle
  4. Release the anti-barricade stop using the Lifeline key
  5. Insert the T-bar to grip the spindle, then rotate the T-bar by half a turn
  6. Use the T-bar to pull the door open