Industry Insights

Regularly interacting with you and gaining an in-depth understanding of your world, this has enabled us to develop an extensive knowledge and high level of expertise in both the Mental Health and Education sectors in which we operate. 

Our range of articles below share our range of unique perspectives and reliable insights about these challenging industries, allowing us to connect up-to-date insights and issues with solutions for you. 

Zero Suicide: A Feasible Goal?
24 April 2018

Zero Suicide: A Feasible Goal?

Philip Ross discusses Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, and Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust's goals for a 'zero suicide rate' in Mental Health facilities, and how the role of the built environment and staff training can be part of the solution.
Superior testing standards: Testing our robust seclusion room doorset
29 March 2018

Superior testing standards: Testing our robust seclusion room doorset

Leading most of the testing at Safehinge Primera, I apply our engineering-led approach to develop all-encompassing testing procedures that are repeatable, and evidence-based. I've written this article to share the recent testing of our seclusion room door, and to examine our role in developing a national set of standards.
Improving recovery rates in the face of an unparalleled demand for Mental Health services
22 February 2018

Improving recovery rates in the face of an unparalleled demand for Mental Health services

A recent Care Quality Commission (CQC report) stressed the need for Trusts to reduce restrictive practices in Mental Health wards. I've produced this article to examine what this means for the future of Mental Health environments and how electronic locksets may be part of the solution
The safest locksets for Mental Health: How has safety moved on from 'secondary' override locksets
29 January 2018

The safest locksets for Mental Health: How has safety moved on from 'secondary' override locksets

Based on conversations and questions with those he's helped, Sebastian Mann's article talks about Staff Override System (SOS), why 'secondary' override is not the same as 5-way SOS, and which lockset is the best for lifesaving applications.
Three ways to manage your wellbeing over the festive period
19 December 2017

Three ways to manage your wellbeing over the festive period

The festive period is a time for cheer, overindulgence, and presents. But for some, it can also be a time of loneliness, stress, and pressure to achieve the perfect Christmas. Rachel Miller reaches out to colleagues to get their tips on how to manage mental wellbeing over the festive period.
Promoting positive Mental Health wellbeing in the workplace
08 December 2017

Promoting positive Mental Health wellbeing in the workplace

As office manager, part of Marianne's role involves overseeing employee well-being - a particularly hot topic just now as recent Government reports indicate 300,000 people with a long-term Mental Health problem lost their job each year. She shares the ways we work hard to support our employees' wellbeing.
Finger injuries caused by doors to children can be 'life-long', here's how you can act responsibly to remove this risk
24 October 2017

Finger injuries caused by doors to children can be 'life-long', here's how you can act responsibly to remove this risk

Plastic surgeons warn that children and toddlers whose fingers are crushed by closing doors can end up with lifelong problems, with 1500 required to undergo surgery and 600 amputations. It is recommended that building owners and specifiers act responsibly
NHS Safety Notice: Ineffectiveness of push-button anti-barricade stops raises design considerations
17 October 2017

NHS Safety Notice: Ineffectiveness of push-button anti-barricade stops raises design considerations

The NHS across the UK recently issued an Estate and Facilities safety notice that anti-barricade devices can be ineffective in certain cases. Specifically this relates to push button stops, which can fail to operate if a service user pushes on the door from the inside. Action is required by 19 February 2018.
Developing doorsets with recovery in mind
17 October 2016

Developing doorsets with recovery in mind

Manufacturers play a huge role in raising the design standards throughout the Mental Health sector. Understanding customers' requirements is key to designing products which meet the needs of a modern recovery-focused rehabilitation environment
Construction professionals are now required to be 'BIM ready'
18 July 2016

Construction professionals are now required to be 'BIM ready'

With BIM Level 2 now mandatory in all centrally funded government construction projects, the importance of being ‘BIM Ready’ is essential among Education construction professionals. Safehine have created a family of BIM models to help.