“Talking, observing and Involving people in creating their environment. That's how you get a quality result.”
It’s official. Safehinge Primera has gained a 5th member of the board of directors - Beatrice Fraenkel.
Beatrice brings a wealth of experience and unique skills that will help us reach new heights here at Safehinge Primera. This is an exciting time, and we are confident she will be a great asset to our team.
Beatrice Fraenkel, our new board member at Safehinge Primera, said:
“It is an honour to be invited to the board.
“Safehinge Primera is driven by people who share the same values, passion and innovation and are part of creating a different future for mental health spaces.”
A bit more about Beatrice
Beatrice is an Ergonomist and Design Expert. Her role is to support teams to invest in good design to help them enhance their spaces and improve the end user's overall experience. One example of this is through working with clinicians and service users, Beatrice was able to design and deliver five brand new, award-winning hospitals during her time as Chair for Mersey Care NHS FT. She achieved this by creating a Design Board formed of a wide variety of professionals from across the healthcare sector and those with lived experience of recovering in hospitals to ensure everyone’s voices were heard. This group then made recommendations to the trust, which would inform the design brief and help create hospitals that would promote healing.
When we spoke to Beatrice, she emphasised how important it is to first work with the end user to understand their needs, explore how they use the space, and ask them questions about how this space makes them feel. She explained that this was pivotal in ensuring her design brief would positively impact their well-being and promote recovery. We take the same approach here at Safehinge Primera, which was a sign that such an inspirational leader would be an excellent fit for our board.
Beatrice said: “As an Ergonomist, you must understand how to work with others and then to incorporate features such as safety into your design.
“You also have to build trust with people. Don’t assume what you think and feel is what someone else does—talking, observing and Involving people in creating their environment. That's how you get a quality result.”
Wealth of experience
Beatrice’s experience working in one of the largest NHS trusts across the country and her unique position as an Ergonomist and Design Expert gives her a deep understanding of patient's needs and the importance of safety, accuracy, and efficiency in mental health settings. Beatrice will bring her industry knowledge and expertise to various strategic initiatives, helping our team better understand our users and their system design needs.
It’s also worth mentioning that Beatrice was recently selected as a non-executive director for the Design in Mental Health Network. We are passionate about this network, as it highlights the role design plays in improving recovery in mental health facilities. Therefore, it felt as though Beatrice’s values and purpose aligned with ours - to help protect people through vulnerable times.
Philip Ross, CEO and Co-founder of Safehinge Primera, said:
"When I first met Beatrice, I realised she was an inspiring and remarkable person who shared our passion for good design and the potential for this to improve the mental health care environment. Her vast experience as an ergonomist, combined with 14 years leading one of the largest and most forward-thinking NHS Trusts, enables Safehinge Primera to do so much more.
“In addition, we now have a board composition that is 40% women. We’re leading the way with gender diversity in the mental health manufacturing field, aiming to be more representative of our customers."