It has now become an annual tradition for the team at Safehinge Primera to support men's mental and physical health by participating in the Movember foundation efforts.
This year was no different, with the whole team joining in to spread awareness and help this fundraising organisation to support the men's health crisis happening before our eyes.
They are a charity with a primary mission to change the face of men’s health, focusing on raising awareness and charitable fundraising to address the three main causes of premature death of men; Mental Health & Suicide, Prostate Cancer & Testicular Cancer.
To find out, we asked the very people in question, and this is what they said:
They can feel disentitled to their emotional response, and I feel very grateful to have been exposed to such strong, multifaceted male role models, growing my perspective on what masculine can be.
I've used the moustache as an opportunity to check in with individuals within my support network and community, and I don't intend to let that stop after November's end."
-Gareth Owen, Customer Quality Engineer
"I have done Movember for the last 4/5 years, whether it's with previous colleagues or amongst my friend group. The topics and reasons behind Movember as a charity are something that is very important to me.
Male mental health is still a taboo topic around my peer group and what growing a moustache does is spark the conversation around it. I always encourage my friends to just talk to one another, and thankfully I have a good support network of friends and family that encourage this also. So I will always grow a moustache in the month of November to help continue that conversation in any way I can."
-Dean Berry, Regional Specification Manager
"I decided to participate in Movember this year because a close friend of mine took his own life last year.
With men’s mental health being a key part of the Movember message, the support offered to men across the UK seemed like timing and cause matched perfectly!"
-Guy Statham, Regional Specification Manager
"The month of November is notoriously depressing. Clocks go back; daylight is short-lived; it is dark and generally wet. Movember gives me a reason to get out in the fresh air and push myself physically and mentally, making the month fly by.
This year, I grew an awful tash and ran 100 miles in an attempt to raise valuable funds and increase awareness for the men’s mental health charity. The statistics around male suicide are staggering. A man dies every minute from suicide somewhere in the world and the charity wants to reduce this by 30% by 2030. That would save so many lives and hopefully help improve many more lives."
-Martin Lees, Head of Operations
It's important to remember that Movember is not just for men! The Mo-Sisters are encouraged to join the fun too. Growing a moustache is one way to raise awareness for Men's health, but it's certainly not the only way! Here is what our leading Mo-sister had to say:
-Faye Hayes, People Lead
We have all felt the effects of the rising cost of living in the UK and around the world, but it didn't stop our
We're proud to have been able to support the Movember movement again this year and looking forward to growing even more moustaches next year and the year after that.
Find out more about ways you can support the Movember cause at